Oct 25 – Nov 29, 2014.
Simone DeSousa Gallery
My work has taken on a process of reduction and simplification of both color and subject matter. Veils of white wash over color. Images emerge and at times dissolve. Some of the material I have chosen to paint on is impermanent, such as blueprint paper, newspaper, a plastic shower curtain and recycled glassine. The ritual act of painting on these materials is akin to the mandala sand painting practice by Buddhist monks. Although my work is void of the circle or geometric forms seen in the mandala, the spirit of purpose is the same—a rite of healing, summoning spirits to come and go.
Two works of art inspired me, one literary and one visual. The literary work is The Dead by James Joyce and the visual work is The Anatomy Lesson of Dr. Tulp by Rembrandt. In Joyce’s short story, a cast of characters meet for dinner on a snow-covered January night to discuss Irish nationalism, music, religion and the departed. In Rembrandt’s painting, Dr. Tulp examines a cadaver as seven of his colleagues observe.